UK Brand Rubbee Gets “Kiwi-fied”

I got connected to Move Distribution to highlight a new product they were bringing into New Zealand called the Rubbee, which is an E-bike conversion kit, effectively turning your pedal bike into an e-bike when you need it.  With a removable battery and motor all in one, the Rubbee seems to make that conversion painless for the user, and Move Distribution wanted to communicate that there could be multiple use cases across different markets of people, whether you were a more city based commuter, or a casual biker in a more sporty, mountainous area.

So we did the photoshoot in 2 locations, Auckland city central, and Queenstown to communicate the different use cases.

The photos have ben used to launch the NZ Rubbee website and on promotional print materials, EDM and company communications.

I recently joined the American Chamber of Commerce in New Zealand so I could help distributors like Move to “Kiwify” their images before they release their overseas products into the Kiwi market. 

It is a simple concept to localise your imagery before selling to local markets, but it is one that I think overseas companies often overlook.  Good thing it’s an easy fix.  With a couple of “Kiwi- looking actors or models” and some identifiably Kiwi backdrops, those international products can easily blend into the New Zealand market and sell well.