Spacebar Design School Furniture

I worked with Spacebar Design to photograph a new range of sustainable furniture specifically designed for school environments.  They wanted to be able to highlight the functionality and customisability of the furniture to suit a school environment, and how the panels are customisable in colour, orientation, functionality and size, as well as being made of sustainable materials that are easily replaceable where needed.

We aimed to capture the the furniture “in use” as well as by itself to show the details of the materials and textures.  We were lucky to get the OK to work with Westlake Boys High School and use their library, as well as borrow students and teachers to stand in as models, which helped the imagery come across as candid and natural.

It was done over a half day and delivered with a quick turnaround.

Picture of Chris Chase

Chris Chase

Photographer, videographer and filmmaker. Capturing the human connection.

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